Monday, May 5, 2008

"He who goes borrowing , goes a sorrowing"

"You have debts and make debts still,
If you've not lied, lie you will."

Debtors can hardly help being liars, for they promise to pay when they know they cannot; and when they have made up a lot of false excuses, they promise again, so they lie as fast as a horse can trot.
"A hundred years of regret Pay not a farthing of debt."
Now I'm afraid all this sound advice might as well have been given to my master's cocks and hens as to those who have gotten into the habit of spending what is not their own, for advice to such people goes in at one ear and out at the other. Well, those who won't listen will have to feel, and those who refuse cheap advice will have to buy dear repentance; but to young people beginning life, a word may be worth a world, and this shall be John Ploughman's short sermon, with three points to it: always re a little below your means, never get into debt, and remember,
"He who goes a borrowing
Goes a sorrowing."

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